American Mydol

Charlie is ready to defeat the fresh stage – to-be beloved blond biotch is happening the flash named”American Mydol”! If you know what this display is about and who are the main charcters of it then you will enjoy this erotic parody. If you don’t understand about this showcase – then just enjoy how sexy blonde Charlie will fuck these strange people regardless of is it man or woman! The gameplay is simplicity – see the section of this demonstrate untill you will be permitted to choose among 3 choices. You do not know what each options hides so this is a sightless option. But you can be sure that whatever decision you made you will see hot sexy animation ! Or some thing jokey. But it will be something alluring. Actually it is possible to check all the options and see all the hookup scenes before the story will continue. Play now »

Survival Game

The team of five people has ended up on a tropical island and will need to struggle to the survival from now on contrary to the crazy character and who knows what else puzzles this place keeps… and this all could sound like a synopsis for a few truly tough thriller but just until you will realize that among those Australians is other than the fave blonde Charlie! So you now know this is a fresh TV flash which it will be fairly arousing because of many hilarious and sexy scenarios that primary characters are constantly becoming. And thanks to specific interactivity you are able to construct your own venture instead of just watching whatever was put in the script like the multiple reality shows on your televeision. So who will stay most staisfied in the long run? Play now »